Gr.Int.Ch. Canaletto's YankeeDoodleDandyRasse: Maine Coon black silver tabby blotched / whitegeb.: 12.02.2006 DEKZV LO 317325Züchter: Henning Müller-Rech AaB-C-DdI-oS-tbtbwwwbwb Chip-Nr.: 276096100167882
Int.Ch. MagicLake's Vulcan Rasse: Maine Coon black geb.: 10.12.2003 DEKZV LO 300801 Züchter: Gutmann/May aaB-C-D-iioss--ww Chip-Nr.: 276098510095316
MagicLake's NatureBoy
Gandolf of Diamond Hill
Nature's Judge the Bear
Ch. Gentle Favourit's Jenny
CH Witchbreeds Mauna Loa
Witchcats Smoke on the Water
Witchcats Little Hellfire
Auchentoshan's SweetSign
Gentle Favourit's Xarelan black-smoke aaB-C-D-I-oss--ww
Gentle Favourit's Nantucket
Cosima Shiva of Diamond Hill
St.John's Final Fantasy
Ch. Coonyham Buster Brown
Ch. St. John's Voodoo Queen
Franziska Grünholder Rasse: Maine Coon black silver tabby blotched / white geb.: 22.05.2004 DEKZV LO 302989 Züchter: Petra Forch A-B-C-D-I-ooS-tbtbwwwbwb
Clyde v. Grünholder black-silver tabby cl../white Züchter: Petra Forch A-B-C-D-I-oS-tbtbww
Larry of Glems Valley red silver tabby blotched
Int.Ch. Alpha Addison of Charmingcat
Ch. Alice of Glems Valley
Denis v.Donautal black-silver tabby cl../white
Int.Ch. Yasco v. Racoon
Int.Ch. Elisa of Faberge
Canaletto's Lady Grace black tabby ticked / white geb.: 20.01.2000 265574 Züchter: Henning Müller-Rech A-B-D-iiooS-Ta-ww
Blue Samson the Fabulous of Canaletto's bluetabby ticked geb.: 13.01.1999
Ch. Super-Star's Uljano
Lollipop the Fabulous
AngelFire's HappyEnd of Canaletto's tortie tabby mackerel / white geb.: 14.06.1998
Jellybaby Red + Hot vom Roggenberg
Vergy of Forestsprite
Athena Bey MarillionRasse: Maine Coon tortie tabby blotchedgeb.: 29.12.2005 A-B-C-D-iiOosstbtbwwwbwb
Int.Ch. Beyrouth Cat Cabaret JW Rasse: Maine Coon red tabby blotched
Int.Ch. James Bond Klapouch black tabby blotched
Euro.Ch Mefisto Jompi black tabby mackerel
Euro.Ch Angelo Jompi
Int.Ch. Guldfakse´s Catalina
Catlin Klapouch white (dominant)
Int.Ch. Appalaches Ognios
Estrella Jompi
Ch. Maxi Alwaro tortie tabby blotched
Euro.Ch Sebasco´s Daker Devito red tabby blotched
World-Ch. Guldfakse´s Chief Two Moons
Moutaineer´s Kitti Caballe
Int.Ch. Squabby´s Calamity tortie tabby mackerel
Gr.Int.Ch. Squabby´s Ashley Taddy
Int.Ch. Squabby´s Arkansas Sissy
Int.Ch. Arabella of Beyrouth Rasse: Maine Coon blue-cream tabby blotched
Int.Ch. Denny z Larku black tabby mackerel / white
Euro.Ch Baghira Woody Axis Star blue tabby mackerel
Gr.Euro.Ch Willowplace Fleetwood Mac
Euro.Ch Moonlight vom Burgfels
Ch. Alexis Lady z Larku black tabby blotched / white
Euro.Ch Csák´s Coon Cats Bagira
Int.Ch. Zita Cesarina od Vajgaru
Int.Ch. Olivia of Midnight Colony cream tabby blotched
Int.Ch. Langstteich C.Cashmir cream tabby blotched / white
Langstteich´s Calvin
Pillowtalk's Cosima
Ch. Dominica od Midnight Colony red tabby blotched / white
Euro.Ch Carter O´Conor Alwaro
Int.Ch. Donna Diana Di Sidonia